Activities and results
Training activities

Online training week, September 2020

The second training activity, due to be held in May 2020 in Copenhagen has been postponed. Instead of this activity, the whole consortium (with about 35 active participants) has participated in two organizational and motivational online meetings in April and May, and one three-day online training activity in September that covered main parts of the program planned for the second training activity.

The activity was organized as a sequence of workshops with many discussions both in small heterogenous groups (5-6 people from different countries) and in plenum (all participants discussing findings of small groups). It was very successful as it has served to strengthen the connections between partners from different institutions, but also motivated all teams of teachers to present concrete ideas for their lesson studies and exchange feedback.

Furthermore, the theoretical and practical aspects of Lesson study and Design of innovative materials have been reflected upon under the supervision of experienced partners from UCPH and UU.

TIMELess - Second training activity - Agenda (September, 2020)