Activities and results
Intellectual outputs

O2. Training course for Lesson study

Experience shows that while the basic principles and timeline of a LS are quite easy to explain theoretically, actually carrying it out with beneficial results require attention to a number of delicate points which can only fully be learned through actual experience:
- In the planning phase, a precise goal for the research lesson needs to be formulated and subsequently worked with through the study of relevant media (kyozai-kenkyu in Japanese, meaning literally “research on materials”), sharing of previous experience, and careful analysis of the didactical variables and anticipations linked to the final design of the lesson. This work usually can be greatly enhanced by combining teachers’ experience with input from university mathematicians specializing in educational questions.
- In the observation phase, actually making useful observations of students’ work, and recording them to produce data that are relevant to the goals of the LS, takes considerable effort and experience;
- In the reflection phase, it is crucial to structure the discussion so that it yields a maximum of information and analysis by the different parties (teacher of the lesson, planning team, other observers, university partners etc.). Special training is needed for those persons who will take the charge of chairing and leading the sessions; but all participants need to follow certain principles in order to keep the discussion focused, respectful and productive.

The training course will be organized as shown in C1 and further applied in C2. It involves, in particular, materials for lectures and other activities, designed to make partner participants familiar with the main processes of LS. The materials and schedule may be used in later workshops in Phase II, carried out in schools (with suitable adaptations of the programme to schedule constraints). Please describe the division of work, the tasks leading to the production of the intellectual output and the applied methodology Some members of the project team have already designed a similar workshop guide for the project MERIA, with a different topic and slightly different aims. Here we present a course on Lesson study, which is a very precise method for collaborative work of teachers in a single school. This makes the methodology of the training course very specific. University partners from all four countries will develop the training course with the Training Activity C2 and partnering schools in mind as the primary audience and a much wider audience of teachers as the secondary target group (to be worked with in the mulitiplier events). 

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