Activities and results
Intellectual outputs

O6. TIME teaching scenarios

As mentioned in the description of O3, the outcomes of the lesson studies in the project are not only relevant to the participants themselves. That refers to not only the practice reports of O3, but also the teaching scenarios (including the lesson plans of O3) designed by the groups.

In the first cycle of lesson studies teachers will base their lessons on scenarios from the MERIA-project. New scenarios are expected in the second cycle of lessons studies, where they work on a problem of choice and design IBMT scenario’s to address it. As mentioned in O1, templates for these scenarios, including lesson plans, will be produced based on experiences from MERIA. The need for such output actually reflects the need for the whole project as teachers demand more teaching materials from university partners feeling pressed by their own schedules and at the same time doubting their abilities. These showcase scenarios will on one hand show that teachers can in fact produce innovative designs and on the second support teachers in partnering schools in sustainable design.

As part of O3 an internal database and external platform is set up for the practice reports. The same infrastructure shall be used for reviewing and publishing the new IBMT-scenarios. Every scenario should be tried out and then reviewed by at least one other school among the partners. After this the scenarios are finalised and published.

Methodology developed in the scope of MERIA project will support teachers in their first steps, but this will be expanded and alternatives will be provided with intellectual outputs O5 and O6. Alternatives are given with the flexibility of the design principles used for O5 and O6, and in particular by teachers' own ideas what kind of scenarios are needed in their own classrooms. Each team of teachers will work on their own scenario(s) and collaborate with university partners in their country. The development of the result will follow the following phases:
(1) Producing a template for scenarios
(2) Writing the scenario’s
(3) Organising feedback and publishing the final scenarios
Feedback will be provided on the local level from university partners and students by implementation in the classroom, while on the level of the project by peer review process similarly set-up for practice reports.

TIME Scenarios.pdf

TIME Scenarios - additional editable materials.docx